What is the recommended length of an email

What is the recommended length of an email message – Email is an integral part of our daily lives, and it’s no secret that we all receive many daily. But have you ever wondered what the maximum recommended length of an email message should be? Especially in email marketing? With attention spans getting shorter by the minute, ensuring that your emails are concise yet impactful is crucial.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the best practices for creating the right-sized email with MaxBulk Mailer. We’ll dive into the research and explore how long your emails should be to keep your recipients engaged and interested. So buckle up and get ready for some email etiquette tips!

What is the recommended length of an email

What is the recommended length of an email message

Most experts agree that the ideal length of an email is around 200 words. This allows you to get your point across without boring the reader or overwhelming them with information. Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule. You may need to be slightly more extended if you share a particularly important message. But generally, stick to the 200-word sweet spot for the best results.

How to know if your email is too long

It can be challenging to know if your email is too long. Here are a few things to consider:

– Number of recipients: If you’re sending an email to many people, it’s generally best to keep it short.
– Message topic: If you’re emailing about a complex topic, it’s okay to be more detailed.
– The tone: If you’re emailing for formal purposes, it’s essential to be clear and concise. If you’re emailing a friend, you can be more casual.
– The relationship: If you have a close relationship with the person you’re emailing, they may appreciate a longer message.

Why shorter emails are better

It’s no secret that we live in a fast-paced world constantly bombarded with information. Our attention spans are shorter than ever, so we prefer concise communication that gets straight to the point.

This is why shorter emails are better. They are easier to read and more likely to hold our attention. When an email is too long, we are likelier to skim over it or ignore it altogether. So if you want your message to be read and understood, keep it short and sweet.

How to make sure your emails are read

To ensure your emails are read, you can do a few things. First, try to keep your emails short and to the point. If your email is too long, the recipient may not have the time or patience to read it. Second, ensure your email’s subject line is clear and concise. This will help the recipient know what the email is about and whether or not they should bother reading it. Finally, try following up with a phone call or in-person meeting to ensure your email gets read.


Emails are an essential part of our daily lives, so knowing the maximum recommended length of an email message is essential. The generally accepted rule is that emails should be no more than 250 words to convey a clear and concise message. If you find yourself with information that needs to be shared but exceeds this limit, other methods, such as attachments or links, can help you share your content while keeping your emails short and sweet.

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send a cold email with MaxBulk Mailer
create a landing page for your email campaign
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send a test email with MaxBulk Mailer
engage a customer with an email message

How to prevent mail to iCloud from being blocked

How to prevent mail to iCloud users from being blocked as spam – When it comes to email marketing, there’s nothing worse than having your emails blocked.

Not only can this affect your deliverability rate, but it can also lead to potential customers never receiving your messages. iCloud is very popular among Mac users, and unfortunately, even the most well-crafted emails from reputable companies can still get blocked as spam by iCloud.

This can be highly frustrating for marketers. To help prevent this from happening to you, we’ve put together a list of tips to help you ensure your emails don’t get blocked as spam when sent to iCloud users. Read on to find out more!

How to prevent mail to iCloud from being blocked

The iCloud spam filters

When you send an email to an iCloud user, it goes through a spam filter before it reaches the recipient. If your email is marked as spam, it may never reach the intended iCloud user. To prevent your emails from being marked as spam, follow these steps:

– Use a recognizable sending name and address. Avoid using generic names or addresses (such as info@example.com) that could be associated with spam.

– Include a recognizable subject line. Avoid using all caps or excessive punctuation and misleading or clickbait-y language.

– Don’t include large attachments. iCloud limits the size of attachments that can be sent through its servers.

– Keep your content clean and free of malware. iCloud will scan all emails for malware before delivering them to users’ inboxes.

– Use authentication protocols such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC.

Before sending your message, click the ‘Spamcheck’ button to get a deliverability 10-based score and spam-filtering report.

MaxBulk Mailer Spamcheck button

The higher your score, the better the chances for your email to get through spam filters and be delivered to the recipient’s mailbox. A 10/10 score is ideal and feasible. Have a close look at the report. It will give you essential information to reach that score.

The Problem with iCloud’s Spam Filters

If you use iCloud for your email account, you may have noticed that your emails are sometimes marked as spam and sent to the junk folder. This is because iCloud uses aggressive spam filters that can sometimes flag legitimate emails as spam.

There are a few ways to prevent this from happening. First, use a secure connection (SSL) when emailing iCloud users. This will ensure that your emails are not marked as potential spam.

Second, avoid using common phrases in your subject lines often associated with spam emails. For example, avoid using “free” or “click here” in your subject line.

Third, do not send mass emails to iCloud users. If you send the same email to multiple iCloud users, it will likely be flagged as spam. Instead, send individualized messages to each person on your list.

Fourth, do not include attachments in your emails to iCloud users. iCloud’s spam filters can often block attachments. If you must include an attachment, make sure it is a small file size and contains no potentially harmful content.

Following these tips, you can help ensure your emails reach their intended destination without getting caught in iCloud’s spam filter!

How to prevent mail to iCloud users from being blocked as spam

iCloud is the most popular email provider among Mac users. However, sometimes legitimate emails get caught in the filter and marked as spam. This can be frustrating for both the sender and the recipient, as it can lead to missing important emails.

You can do a few more things to help ensure your iCloud emails aren’t blocked as spam. First, add a valid sender and reply-to address to your email account settings. This will help ensure that your messages are coming from a legitimate source.

Next, avoid using free email services like Gmail or Yahoo! Mail when sending messages to iCloud users. Spammers often use these services, so your messages may be more likely to be flagged as spam if they come from one of these providers.

Finally, make sure your subject lines are clear and concise. Avoid using all caps or excessive punctuation, as these can trigger spam filters. Stick to simple, easy-to-read subject lines that will let your recipients know the message at a glance.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your iCloud emails don’t end up in the spam folder.


The key to preventing mail from being blocked as spam for iCloud users is ensuring that your sending domain and IP address is adequately configured. By understanding the importance of these two components, you can be confident that emails sent to iCloud users will reach their intended recipients without any issues. Additionally, it is essential to review all feedback loops and maintain a good reputation by ensuring that only legitimate messages are sent. If you follow these steps, you should have no problem avoiding email blocks when sending emails to an iCloud user.

Recommend reading:

Postmaster information for iCloud Mail
How to prevent mail to Gmail from being blocked
How do I Avoid My Emails being Marked as Spam?
Email server blocking causes and solutions

How to prevent mail to Gmail from being blocked

How to prevent mail to Gmail users from being blocked as spam – When it comes to email marketing, there’s nothing worse than having your emails blocked.

Not only can this affect your deliverability rate, but it can also lead to potential customers never receiving your messages. One of the most popular email providers is Gmail, and unfortunately, even the most well-crafted emails from reputable companies can still get blocked as spam by Gmail.

This can be highly frustrating for marketers. To help prevent this from happening to you, we’ve put together a list of tips to help you ensure your emails don’t get blocked as spam when sent to Gmail users. Read on to find out more!


Gmail’s spam filters

Gmail’s spam filters are designed to protect users from unwanted and potentially dangerous emails. However, sometimes legitimate emails can be mistakenly marked as spam. To prevent your mail from being blocked as spam, follow these tips:

– Use a consistent From address when sending mail to Gmail users.
– Make sure your message has a subject line that accurately reflects the content of the message.
– Avoid using common words and phrases in your subject line that spammers often use, such as “free,” “win,” or “urgent.”
– Keep your messages short and to the point. Long messages with excessive amounts of text can trigger Gmail’s spam filters.
– Include a link to your website or blog in your signature. This will help Gmail users recognize you as a legitimate sender.
– Use authentication protocols such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC.

Before sending your message, click the ‘Spamcheck’ button to get a deliverability 10-based score and spam-filtering report.

The higher your score, the better the chances for your email to get through spam filters and be delivered to the recipient’s mailbox. A 10/10 score is ideal and feasible. Have a close look at the report. It will give you essential information to reach that score.

The Problem with Gmail’s Spam Filters

If you’re a Gmail user, you’ve probably noticed that your inbox is full of emails from companies and organizations you’ve never heard of. These messages have been caught by Gmail’s spam filter and marked as spam.

The problem with Gmail’s spam filters is that they are overly aggressive and often block legitimate emails from reaching your inbox. This can frustrate users and businesses relying on email to communicate with customers.

There are a few steps that you can take to prevent your emails from being caught in Gmail’s spam filter. First, ensure your sender name and address are consistent with your email’s ‘From’ address. Next, include a clear subject line that accurately describes the content of your message. Finally, avoid using common spam trigger words like “free,” “trial,” or “guarantee” in your subject line.

Following these simple tips, you can help ensure your emails reach your intended recipients without being blocked as spam.

How to prevent mail to Gmail users from being blocked as spam

Gmail is one of the most popular email providers with an advanced spam filter. However, sometimes legitimate emails get caught in the filter and marked as spam. This can be frustrating for both the sender and the recipient, as it can lead to missing important emails.

There are a few things that you can do to help prevent your emails from being caught in Gmail’s spam filter. First, make sure that you are using a reputable email service provider. This will help ensure that your emails are not flagged as spam by other email providers. Also, avoid using excessive keywords or graphics in your emails, as this can trigger the spam filter. Finally, be sure to include a clear and concise subject line that accurately reflects the content of your email. Following these tips can help ensure your emails reach their intended destination without being blocked as spam.

By being aware of the potential reasons why emails are blocked as spam, you can take steps to prevent it from happening to your Gmail users. We’ve outlined a few tips and suggestions on ensuring all your emails get delivered without being filtered out, such as double-checking for spelling or grammar mistakes, avoiding suspicious words in your subject line and content, and making sure not to send too many messages at once. With these strategies in place, you’ll be able to ensure that every email reaches its destination safely.


In conclusion, there are several steps you can take to ensure that your emails get delivered to Gmail users without being blocked as spam. From creating a good sender reputation and engaging with your subscribers using authentication protocols such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC and avoiding certain words/phrases in the subject line of your emails, following these tips will help improve the deliverability rates of your messages. When done right, email marketing can be an effective way for businesses to reach out to their customers, so make sure you do everything you can to guarantee that it does not end up in the dreaded spam folder!

Recommended reading:
Prevent mail to Gmail users from being blocked or sent to spam
How do I Avoid My Emails being Marked as Spam?
Email server blocking causes and solutions

How to create a successful bulk email campaign

How to create a successful bulk email campaign. Bulk email campaigns can be a great way to reach potential customers and keep current ones informed. However, they also require a bit of finesse to ensure engagement is high and your message is clear. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the best practices for creating a successful bulk email campaign with MaxBulk Mailer. From setting goals to optimizing your emails for mobile devices, we’ll cover all the steps you need to ensure your bulk emails are effective and well-received by your target audience.

How to create a successful bulk email campaign

Select your email campaign target

The first step to creating a successful bulk email campaign is to select your target audience. This can be done by segmenting your subscribers into different groups based on their interests, demographics, or past behavior. Once your target audience segments are defined, you can create content relevant to each group. This will help ensure that your campaign resonates with its intended recipients and has a higher chance of achieving its desired results.

Select the correct type of content for that target

Many different types of content can be used in a bulk email campaign, and selecting the correct type of content for your target audience is crucial. If you target a general audience, you will want to use exciting and informative content. However, if you are targeting a specific group or niche, you will want to use content that is more targeted and relevant to their interests.

Some examples of content that can be used in a bulk email campaign include the following:

– Newsletters
– Press releases
– Articles
– Tips and advice articles
– Product information
– Case studies
– White papers

Do comprehensive research on those contents

Before sending out a bulk email campaign, it is important to do your research. This means understanding who your target audience is and what they are interested in. It also means finding the right email list to send your campaign to. Once you have this information, you can create a successful bulk email campaign that will get results.

Create your message based on the target

When creating your bulk email campaign, keeping your target audience in mind is essential. What are their needs and wants? What type of language will resonate with them? By understanding your target audience, you can create a more successful campaign.

Create a landing page for your campaign

When running a bulk email campaign, one of the most important things you can do is create a landing page for your recipients to click through to. This will give them more information about what you’re promoting, and it can also help you track the success of your campaign.

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating your landing page:

1. Make sure the page is relevant to your campaign. Don’t just throw up a generic page that could be used for anything – make sure the content and design of the page are specific to your campaign.

2. Keep it simple. Landing pages should be designed for quick and easy consumption of information. Don’t overload your visitors with too much text or too many visuals – they’ll likely leave without taking any action.

3. Include a solid call to action. What do you want your visitors to do once they land on your page? Ensure your call to action is clear and prominently displayed, so there’s no confusion about what you want them to do next.

4. Track your results. Use analytics tools to track how many people visit your landing page and what actions they take once they get there. This will help you gauge the success of your campaign and make necessary adjustments moving forward.

Test your message

The first step in any successful bulk email campaign is to test your message. This ensures that your message is clear, concise, and free of any errors that could cause problems when sent to many recipients.

To test your message, send a test email to yourself or a small group of friends/colleagues. This will allow you to see how the email looks in different email clients and identify any potential issues with the content of your message.

Once you’ve confirmed your message is ready, you can add contacts to your mailing list and send out your campaign!

Send your message

Assuming you have already collected a list of email addresses, sending a bulk email campaign is relatively simple. However, there are some important considerations to remember to ensure your campaign succeeds.

The first step is to create your message. Keep it short – recipients are likelier to read and engage with a shorter email. Ensure your message is relevant and targeted to your audience – they are likelier to engage with an email that speaks to their interests. Finally, include a call-to-action (CTA) so recipients know what you want them to do next – whether clicking through to your website or subscribing to your newsletter.

Once you’ve crafted your message, it’s time to send it out! But before you hit “send,” you should double-check a few things. First, make sure all the links in your email are working correctly. Second, test your email on multiple devices and browsers to ensure it renders correctly. And finally, proofread your email one last time before hitting send – typos can be costly!

By following these simple tips, you can ensure your next bulk email campaign succeeds!

Check the delivery statistics

When planning a bulk email campaign, you must check the delivery statistics. This will give you an idea of how many emails will likely be delivered and whether your campaign has any potential problems.

Delivery statistics can be found in the provider’s documentation or by contacting their customer support team. Once you have this information, you can start to plan your campaign around it. For example, if you know that only 50% of emails will likely be delivered, you can send twice as many emails to ensure your message gets through.

Recommended articles on how to:
send a cold email with MaxBulk Mailer
create a landing page for your email campaign
find prospects email address
send a test email with MaxBulk Mailer
engage a customer with an email message

How to find prospects email address

Like most salespeople, you always look for new prospects. And one of the best ways to find new prospects is by their email address.

There are several ways to find someone’s email address, but not all are created equal. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to find prospects’ email addresses using a variety of methods so that you can start building your list of potential customers.

One of the easiest ways to find a prospect’s email address is to Google their name. This will often bring up their website or blog, which usually has a contact form or an About Me page with their email address.

Another method is to check out the website of the company they work for. Most companies have a Contact Us page that includes the email addresses of their employees. If you know the person’s job title, you can also try searching for their title and the word “email” (e.g., “marketing manager email”).

If you’re still having trouble finding an email address, many tools can help. One popular option is Hunter.io, which lets you find professional email addresses in seconds and connect with the people who matter to your business by typing a domain name.

How to find prospects email address?

The best way to find someone’s email address

If you’re trying to find someone’s email address, there are a few different ways you can go about it. One of the best ways is to use people’s search engines like Pipl or Spokeo. These engines scour the internet for public records and information, which can often include email addresses.

Another way to find someone’s email address is to check their website or social media profiles. If their email address is listed anywhere on their site, it should be easy to find. If not, you might be able to find it by looking through their posts or contact information on social media.

Finally, if you still can’t find the person’s email address, you can try contacting them directly through a contact form on their website or social media. With any luck, they’ll get back to you with the information you need.

How to use an email finder

Email finders are a great way to find prospects’ email addresses. Many email finders are available online and can be a great resource for finding email addresses. Here are a few tips on how to use an email finder:

1. Use a reputable email finder. Many email finders are available, but not all are created equal. Do some research to find a reputable email finder with a good reputation.

2. Enter the prospect’s information. When you use an email finder, you must enter the prospect’s information into the system. This includes the prospect’s name, company, website, and other relevant information.

3. Search for the prospect’s email address. Once you have entered the prospect’s information, the email finder will search its database for the prospect’s email address.

4. Contact the prospect. Once you have found the prospect’s email address, you can contact them through email or another method of communication.

The benefits of using an email finder

When trying to locate potential customers or business prospects, there are many benefits to using an email finder. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that it can save time and effort. Trying to track down email addresses manually can be a very time-consuming task, particularly if you are trying to locate the addresses of many people. An email finder can quickly and easily locate the email addresses you need, often within seconds.

Another important benefit of using an email finder is that it can help you avoid potential spam problems. If you manually collect email addresses, there is always the risk that some of the addresses will be invalid or that they will belong to people who do not want to receive commercial messages. This can lead to a high rate of bounced messages and damage your reputation as a sender. When you use an email finder, you can be sure that all of the addresses you collect are valid and belong to people who are likely to be interested in your products or services.

Overall, using an email finder can save you a great deal of time and effort while also helping you avoid potential spam problems.

How to get the most from an email finder

Email finders are a great way to connect with potential customers and clients. However, it’s important to use them wisely to get the most out of them. Here are a few tips:

1. Make sure you have a good reason for contacting the person before you start searching for their email address. Emailing someone without a clear purpose will likely result in them ignoring your message.

2. Once you’ve found an email address, take some time to personalize your message. A generic message is more likely to be ignored than one tailored to the recipient.

3. Keep your messages short and to the point. No one wants to read a long, rambling email from a stranger.

4. Be polite and professional in your messages, even if the person you’re emailing is a cold lead. Remember that you’re representing your business, so make sure you come across as competent and trustworthy.

5. Don’t abuse email finders by sending spam or unsolicited messages. Not only is this likely to annoy people, but it could also get you banned from the service.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to get the most out of


There are a few simple tips on finding a prospect’s email address. By following these steps and using the right tools, you’ll be able to quickly and easily find the email addresses of your target prospects. So what are you waiting for? Start prospecting today!